Stacie Bloom on Solving Problems With Public Private Partnerships

In Chapter 18 of 19 in her 2011 Capture Your Flag interview with host Erik Michielsen, Stacie Grossman Bloom answers "What are Public Private Partnerships and Why are They Important to What You Do?" She notes these public private partnerships are alliances that bring together academic and industry groups to collaborate and drive fields forward. In her experience at the Sackler Institute, Grossman Bloom notes how public private partnerships also enable traditional competing firms such as Coke and Pepsi to come together, share information, and work with universities to solve global problems.

Stacie Grossman Bloom is the Executive Director at the NYU Neuroscience Institute at NYU Langone Medical Center. Previously, she was VP and Scientific Director at the New York Academy of Sciences (NYAS). She earned her PhD in Neurobiology and Cell Biology at Georgetown University and did a post-doctoral fellowship at Rockefeller University in New York City. She earned her BA in Chemistry and Psychology from the University of Delaware.


Erik Michielsen: What are public private partnerships and why are they important in what you do?

Stacie Grossman Bloom: So public private partnerships are alliances that bring together industry people with academic people, typically, and why they are important is because very often and historically those two sectors have been siloed. A lot of people believe that by forcing conversations between those two sectors and increasing collaborations and cross-fertilizations of ideas, that you can drive fields forward.

Erik Michielsen: So, why are they important to the nutrition science program that you’ve just launched?

Stacie Grossman Bloom: A public private partnership is a really important element of the Sackler Institute because it brings often-competing groups of people to the table and forces them to talk in a more collaborative way, to hopefully drive progress in the field. In our public private partnership we currently have a number of leaders who have come on board. This includes Pepsi, Coke, Pfizer, Abbott, Johnson & Johnson, DSM, Nestle. I think it’s pretty clear what the impact is of bringing these mega companies together at one table. But then when you are also introducing the academic partners, Cornell, Columbia, Tufts, Hopkins, Wageningen University, universities from all over the world. You are starting with such a powerful group of people and sharing information that may not normally be exchanged.